You say that you are not in favor of banning guns altogether. Why not? This is the elephant in the room.
This is 2023, not 1776. Guns are no longer needed and they have no place in a civilized nation. This is a fact, but we just keep caving to gun owners. And, by the way, despite what the right wing believes about liberals, liberals are a large percentage of gun owners.
Gandhi wasn't the first to say this, but when you live according to the archaic "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" philosophy, pretty soon the entire population will be blind and toothless.
Guns kill people; they are made to kill human beings. But we do not want to really take a good, long, HONEST look at this truth. Instead we continue to deceive and delude ourselves, and others, into believing that gun production and ownership is okay within certain parameters. Nonsense. We will never be able to extricate ourselves as a nation and as a race of human beings as long as we have guns. Owning guns is a symptom of being in fear. Get rid of the fear and the guns become a relic of a bygone era.
Prayers and calls for better gun laws have gotten us absolutely nowhere, yet this is the pattern: Mental instability and stress, murder, sorrow, prayers, call for gun laws, repeat. When you keep doing the same exact thing yet expect different results, it's called stupidity. Guess what... We are a stupid race unable to face ourselves, too afraid to see what we really are and take corrective measures. We don't need better gun laws, we need NO guns and we need to find a way to live with one another instead of murdering our fellow human beings as if this will improve things.