Where does your Sufi quote come from? I am not sure I follow your train of thought.
I do agree with you that people get attached to the wonder of descriptions, as well as so-called powers of enlightened mystics, gurus, and so on. And, yes, much of this is culturally loaded. But I am not sure where you get the idea that I intimated that I am enlightened. If you've ever read my articles you'll see that I do not feel that anyone can be enlightened according to the New Age, Hindu, Buddhist, or other mystical belief systems.
Dr Cain was writing about philosophical enlightenment, which is a different animal. Yet I as I explained, a so-called enlightened society (which I don't think is possible except in theory) would be only possible if there was some sort of greater awareness that begins with the individual, because society is a macrocosm of the individual mindset.
If you want to argue that I am not enlightened, then my answer will be, You're right, I am not and no one else is either, because enlightenment is but an ideal.