We are internally divided because we cannot see the reality of what we are and we continue to separate ourselves from the totality of life. We could liken the sense of self, the ego, the me to Frankenstein's monster (which was probably Shelley's intention) that is created with flesh and bone and then goes off on its own, raw and out of control, to cut a tortuous path of destruction.
Your term wildness is a curious one. The dictionary states:
1. the character of being uncultivated,
2. undomesticated, or inhospitable.
3. strength of emotion.
4. lack of discipline or restraint.
5. lack of sound reasoning or probability.
I think that in the definitions above there are glaring contradictions. If we consider nature as a whole, complex, and dynamic existence then of course there can be no restraint or discipline and there is really no place for reasoning or probability to take hold except if we fragment this whole into digestible bites. But if we do this we are no longer engaging with the totality. And, certainly the psychologically conditioned brain, limited by thought, cannot grasp the magnitude of it all.
I'll leave it at this, otherwise I will start to rehash what we have already talked about.