To your point: "Thus was the genius of the psychopaths who planned and carried out the October 7th attacks. They created an impossible situation for Jews like me around the world, a feeling of powerlessness that shows no signs of abating. In this twisted way, Hamas may have already won this war."
There is no winning or losing here; there is only the ebb and flow of life. People's opinions only matter when they threaten to cause harm or when they promise to heal rifts.
The bigger problem right now is how Jews perceive things will turn out: Will there be yet another round of genocidal actions against Jews or will they be safe for another fifty years? History has already shown us the pattern.
There is a tendency to defend Israel based on all that stands to be lost if they were to be crushed under the Arab war against Jews, democracy, equality, religious freedom, and truth. On the other hand, Israel is currently controlled by a faction of extremists indifferent to the death of innocent people trying to survive in their insane situation. This could even be a foreshadowing of what can ensue under a sociopathic leader in the form of Trump.
By and large, people are unable to recognize shades of gray; and this makes for a perfect breeding ground for extremists and the next wave of mass destruction, not only in the Middle East, but in the US as well.