This is a great article. Many people have thought deeply about Trump's popularity and have come up with nothing short of exasperation.
Ironically, Trump has one major thing in common with the liberal mindset — he is godless. This is not what makes him the ultimate Shadow, however. Christian Nationalists either don’t care that he is godless or they are willing to overlook the fact, or they are just that blind to reality. Perhaps Trump is godless because his own sociopathy would never allow anything to be greater than he is. I don’t give him enough credit as a thinker to consider that he has thought much about God or any other subject that is much beyond his self-centered, selfish goals.
You wrote, “The strong dominate the weak, or the fittest reign while those that can’t excel in the natural environment are weeded out.” This is also ironic, because Trump’s hapless base of MAGA cult followers are the weakest in this sense. Their support for their leader is support for their own demise or further devaluation on the capitalist rung.
The difference between Trump and nature, to use your model, is that nature doesn’t have an agenda of self-aggrandizement, increasing its power over others, and the accumulation and wielding of wealth.
It doesn’t seem as though this presidential race would even be close if not for the actions of liberals over the last year or so. The liberals fed right into Trump’s hands.