There is no choice made by the same egoic mind that differentiates between the wave and the ocean. We are both the wave and the ocean and all else. What does it take to understand this? The mind must be investigated until it becomes obvious that the self that differentiates and fragments does not actually exist except as an accretion of thoughts.
No decision, no choice, no idea emanates from the self; it is a cumulative process created by consciousness. The self takes the credit or blame, because it cannot apperceive the totality that moves life, moment by moment, to the next step.
When we entertain the idea of why "I exist" we must realize that this question is formed by the "I" itself, and thus it is yet another example of the self fragmenting itself into the questioner and the question. Once you understand that the thinker is the thought, the doer is that which is done, the seer is the seen, and the dreamer is the dreamed then you begin to fully realize yourself as consciousness, the totality of movement and dynamism.