Vic Shayne
May 25, 2024


Thanks for sharing your experience. And I agree about the details, colors, and so on. Being lucid within a dream represents a reality that our conditioned minds are not used to (at first, anyway) and therefore it provokes a lot of thought about what reality actually is. As I suggested, we may wonder what it means to be outside or inside. If we are completely lucid in a dream so that it is real to us, and the dream world is outside with trees, a sky, and all the rest, then are we outside or inside our own mind? Just because we have been conditioned to believe what reality is, does this mean that we've been right all along? At best, most people have a very limited sense of what reality is, and lucid dreaming, like out of body experiences, opens up a new paradigm.



Vic Shayne

NY Times bestselling author writing about reality beyond thought, consciousness, and the self to uncover what is fundamental.