Mike, I do not hate Trump. I think he is a terrible person and is self-serving and a criminal. His selfishness is bad for this nation and he does not know what it is like to treat his fellow human beings with kindness, compassion, or respect. He has a long history of criminality as well.
All these things and more make him an inappropriate choice for president. I don't think Biden is as sharp as he used to be, but he is at least qualified and has experts running our nation. Trump surrounds himself with sycophants and miscreants, which is bad for our country. And he frequently quotes or paraphrases things that Hitler and the original Nazi party has said. That's not good.
Looking back at presidents past, whether Republican or Democrat, at least they shared a love for this country and respect for the Constitution. They never tried to overthrow our democracy or turn people against each other.
No one completely agrees with all other people. But at least we can come from a place of respect and dignity. Trump has shown neither.
I hope you can understand this instead of telling me to be more responsible. All of what I said is knowable by just watching videos of Trump speaking in his talks, interviews and endless vitriolic and immature texts. I am not sure why anyone would defend him other than out of their own fears that he promises to take care of.