It would take a long explanation, but here is a simplified opinion:
There are certain things that liberals do that irritate a lot of people — enough to sway them to choose Trump over Biden. And all of them rather insignificant in comparison to the choice we are given, which is a seasoned patriotic president versus a sociopathic lifetime criminal, con artist, and pathological liar. Here are some of the things:
1. Anti-Israel protests in favor of Gaza
2. Support of gay and trans rights
3. Endless arguments over pronouns
4. Rabid antisemitism on campuses
5. Prosecution of Trump for nearly a hundred crimes
6. Book banning arguments
7. Support of a perceived welfare state
8. Perceived support of higher taxes
9. Pro-vaccination
10. Perceived arrogance
11. A perceived socialist agenda
12. Prosecution of Jan.6 insurrectionists
13. Open media attacks on religion
14. Support for Ukraine
15. Trans athletes competing against women
16. Trans people using women's locker rooms and restrooms
17. Political correctness
The items above are real points of contention despite that they are defensible. There are many more. In fact, some people have posed questions to conservatives to get their views about what's wrong with liberals.
Politics is all about power and little else. People are by nature self-centered. We are psychologically trained to be this way, and this causes internal conflict that rolls over into societal conflict. When people think that their power and self-importance is being undermined, threatened, or taken away then they lash out. The goal is to create some form of security. So they look for the candidate who can provide this. A pathological liar in the form of Trump will say absolutely anything to empower himself, and in the process he attracts those who perceive that he can help restore the world. This is why the MAGA slogan has worked so well; it's a promise of security despite how little sense it makes or what it represents.
People in general are apt to conflate actions and points of contention so that they do not address them separately, one by one. Thus, for example, what is perceived as a nonsensical expression is lumped together with a fight for human and civil rights.
Some of these are merely people expressing their rights and the justice system doing its job. But facts do not matter much; what matters is perception. Conservatives see liberals as whiners (ironic, because Trump is the king of whining), spoiled, arrogant, hostile, and so on. There are plenty of sources on the internet of conservative opinions about liberals. Many people think the choice for president is one of the lesser of two evils.