I love your articles. It's rare to find such erudite writing on any platform. I often have to refer to a dictionary, however, because I am not familiar with all of the terms of philosophy, etc.
I've written about the theme of dying and resurrection in my own articles. As I see it, this is a metaphor for the death of the ego-self so that the totality of consciousness may be experienced — the death of the man that leads to the birth of the god-man. Buddhism has this same theme (Siddhartha the man goes into meditation and when the gets up he is the awakened one of universal consciousness). It's been theorized that this is where Christianity took the theme from. I'm not so sure, though, because there are other stories with the same metaphor that predate Christianity.
It seems that Christian teachings are more than just propaganda (which it is) when taken literally — they are absurdities fit for those who do not think their way through a belief system to find its faults and thereby avoid its grasp.