I have had more than a thousand OBEs over the past 60 years and have found, as you've suggested, that the more I would place my attention on having the experience more of them would occur.
You stated a couple of things, though, that I question. One is: "everyone experiences such moments beneath waking focused consciousness." How do you know this, or is it an assumption?
And you said that OBEs are "of immense value." To whom are they valuable? You speak of the "I am," but the "I am" is the egoic mind that exists before any objects are placed after the sentence — I am this, or I am that. But because it is the egoic mind then it deems experiences important, valuable, unimportant, interesting, powerful, and so on. This is what the sense of self does; it quantifies and judges, because it only exists as part of the past. The self, which is the "I am," creates the dualities of the thinker and thought, and experiencer and experience. Therefore, as long as this exists there is no "coming back into the fullness of all that we are. That I AM that is our true nature." I AM is not our true nature and there is no way to reveal our true nature via OBEs, because OBEs are phenomena, even if unusual or spectacular, and therefore only a part of the objectified world. The IAM is a recognition of the fact that there is existence, but it is not profound or fundamental.