I contend that as a species we have not grown emotionally/mentally, because the sense of self is still the locus out of which our deeds and ideas emanate. This sense of self, the ego, the me, etc., is created out of other people's ideas and is a falsehood, an illusion. Because this egoic self seeks security and preservation above all else, we see the same exact behaviors and ideas (not in a practical, technological, innovative sense) now as we did a million years ago. People are still petty, violent, conflicted, tribal, selfish, conditionally altruistic, and so on. No change at all down through the ages. You are speaking of culture, but I am speaking of society, which is a reflection, an outcome, of this individual egoic self, and this is why society continues to embrace and entertain violence, division, and so on. How is it at all possible for conflicted individuals to demand and create a society that is not conflicted? They can't. It all begins with the self, but unless the self changes then society cannot get out of its millennia-old rut.