i am sorry that you have interpreted what I wrote in the wrong way. You have called my words offensive, yet you are blaming me for things I did not write and for ways that I do not feel...
You wrote about " justifying oppressing and killing Palestinians." I did not justify oppression or murder. Look at my comments again and you will see that I never said such a thing.
Next, I agree that it is wrong to kill children and other noncombatants who do not encourage, defend, or fund terrorism. However, sadly, there is always collateral damage to innocent people during war. The Israelis did not attack Hamas or Hezbollah; it was the other way around. Can you see this or are we going to be disingenuous? If we are then we have nowhere to go with this conversation.
Is it right for Palestinians who feel they are oppressed to simply go across the boarder and kidnap, butcher, torture, and murder women, children and other noncombatants? Is this what you are defending? If a gang member broke into your house and killed your wife and children, do you think it would be right to kill that man's children, wife, and family? It seems that you are justifying this action on the part of the Muslims yet blaming the Israelis for the same thing.
Next, you refer to the way "Some specific people of Arabic descent" have treated the Jews and/or Israelis. But it is not some; it is the majority of Arab/Muslim nations. And these people are the ones who committed kidnapping, murder, rape, and torture of innocent women, men, and children, but you will not seem to admit this fact. There would be no war right now if this was not done. The Israelis were on the eve of a peace accord. If you know anything at all about the region in question you will know that each time there is an imminent peace accord a Muslim terrorist group attacks innocent Israelis. I could go point by point to illustrate this fact, but you should do your own research, because I am not here to teach you.
Next, in your defense of Arabs, you are ignoring that all of the Arab nations of committed ethnic cleansing of Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and others (homosexuals, women defending their right to be free, etc.). Try to find a Jew in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and a host of other countries where Jews had lived for thousands of years. They are all gone. No so-called Palestinian living as a free citizen in Israel has been treated in the same manner, driven from their homes or disallowed equality. Can you say the same thing for Jews in Arab nations? No, because there no longer are any and when there were they were mistreated, oppressed, and targeted.
You have so mischaracterized what I wrote that I had to reread it to make sure you were not responding to someone else. So let me state my case here without going into the facts of the region that are so easily and conveniently ignored: I am AGAINST the slaughter and mistreatment of all human beings, despite their religion or nationality, Muslims or Jews. I am AGAINST Israel's right wing factions. I am AGAINST the Muslim people continually (for at least a hundred years) calling for the total annihilation of the Jewish people. I am AGAINST Hamas and other terrorists using their own people as human shields so that they can commit atrocities. I am AGAINST the funding of terrorists that leads to these horrific events.
There is much more to say, but it is a moot point to have a discussion when one side is not open to admitting the facts. You speak of egalitarianism. How is it an act of egalitarianism when you ignore the persistent Muslim call across the globe for the death of Jews and for Muslims to teach their children that Jews are dogs, inhuman, and should be wiped off the face of the earth?? How is it egalitarianism to support any regime that mistreats, beats, murders, and oppresses their women LEGALLY?? How is it egalitarianism to defend the suffering of Palestinians yet take the position that Israel should not defend itself (or even exist as a nation), especially in the shadow of persistent calls for their annihilation? You just do not make sense when you ague in such a manner.