He didn't start talking about being a dictator until about a year or two ago, not during his presidency.
I guess you are a Trump fan, so there is no use going on with this discussion. It'll just result in a series of senseless comments.
By referring to every one of Trump's misdeeds, sexual assaults, lies, crimes, and treasonous activity as a farce there is really no intellectual meeting of the minds that is possible.
Trump's pathology is evident to those of us with a psychology background or just those who pay attention without fear or an agenda. This means not listening to the opinions of the media, either left or right, but just listening for ourselves.
I could provide a very long list of Trump's pathology and perhaps your response would be just to say it's all nonsense, liberal lies, or a conspiracy. This comes from denial, not a true desire to get to the truth. And this is the reason why people who back Trump are backing the downfall of our democracy. And now there is the 2025 manifesto that lays it all out plain and simple. The reason why history must repeat itself is because several generations go by and then all the lessons and details are forgotten.
I grew up in an era where I personally knew WWII veterans and Holocaust survivors, as well as survivors of fascism throughout Europe. Now that they are gone there is no one left to tell the personal story of what people like Trump can do to a society and the violence they foment in their attempts at self aggrandizement and the pursuit of power and money. Too bad that we are bound to repeat a very dark history at the hands of someone who consistently borrows Hitler's rhetoric. I don't know if you have ever compared this or just dismiss it as nonsense because you have no interest in looking at the painful truth.
In the end you do what others tend to do, which is to switch your opinions to ad hominems, calling me a Trump hater as if you know me at all. It's a shame. Sorry we cannot communicate in a sane and open manner.